Take Texas Back

Lee Jacobsen

Take Action Today!


Precinct Chair

Taylor County



Party Affiliation

February 29, 2024

Pledge Signed Date

About Me

Lee Jacobsen is a dedicated citizen running for the office of Precinct Chair for Taylor County, Texas, representing the Republican Party in the 2024 election. A native Texan, Jacobsen has spent his life rooted in Texas values and the solid, independent spirit that embodies the Texas ethos.

Jacobsen's hardworking nature is reflected in his role as a Fiber Optic Tech and his experience as a former trucking company owner. Balancing a tough work ethic with a deep understanding of the day-to-day challenges of Texas citizens, Jacobsen reflects the tenacity and resilience of the Lone Star State.

Although this is Jacobsen's first run for elected office, he has chosen to take a bold step into public service. His purpose for running arises from a deep commitment to his fellow Texan citizens. He pledges to better inform Texas citizens about their rights and their immense strength as Texas residents. He is equally dedicated to the betterment of schools in Texas, laying a strong emphasis on the future of Texas – its children and young people.

Lee's political journey is deeply intertwined with the Take Texas Back initiative. He is a proud supporter of the TEXIT Referendum. In allegiance with the Texas Nationalist Movement's Political Action Committee, he has pledged his steadfast commitment to the "Texas First" pledge. Underpinning this pledge is the promise to prioritize and preserve Texas's distinct identity, freedom, and interests.

Jacoben's interpretation of Article 1 Section 2 of the Texas Constitution further embodies his political ethos: "Texas Citizens have the right to alter, reform or abolish their government. Texans should have a voice in the future of Texas." Jacobsen firmly believes that the power should be in the hands of the citizens, ensuring that every Texan's voice is heard and acknowledged.

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Lee Jacobsen


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Publicly Endorse

Lee Jacobsen
